Jun 4, 2014

School is no fun, but writing is...

Like most students, I don't particularly enjoy school.  I have never been a fan of math, and have only ever enjoyed one science course.  (Ironically, it was Physics-- the science course that involves the most amount of math.  Go figure.)  American History, in general, can be a bore for me.  And learning a new language, while sometimes fun, is not exactly my cup of tea.  However!  I could spend all day reading, writing, and learning more about the world of English.  Certain topics spark my interest, and I could study those till the end of time.
Luckily for me, I have enrolled in a creative writing class over the summer.  Oh darn, I need it for my degree.  Haha!  For our first assignment, I am required to write about my current writing environment, and go into detail about sights, smells, feels, sounds, etc.  This was a fun way to begin the class, and I am so excited to go through this course.  It makes me excited for getting my English degree!  Anyway.  Here's what I wrote:

The distant sounds of airplanes crossing the morning sky, construction taking place across the golf course, and Star Trek: Next Generation fill the empty space around me.  A light breeze sweeps along my face, bringing with it the scent of freshly cut grass.  I sneeze, and my nose begins to itch.  My attention is on the clicking sounds of the keyboard; with each word, I notice the itch in my wrists even more.  I look down and see red spots developing, creeping up along my arms.  I write faster, and shift my focus now to the hard wood surface on which I am sitting.  The sun is beating down on my skin-- perhaps more than I will like in a day or two.  The 'tap, tap' of paws comes creeping up alongside me, and the furry red tank sits down next to me, panting.  Our deck is big enough for the two of us as he sprawls out next to me, but only just.  The feeling in my wrists return, and I forget to fight the urge to scratch the irritated skin.  This time I sneeze twice in succession, one right after the other.  The smell penetrates my deepest concentration, and a sigh escapes my mouth.  Time to move indoors already, I suppose, despite the effort to stay in the sun for a few moments.

A tip to writers: When you struggle with writer's block, this can be a great way to get rid of it.  Instead of writing about whatever it is you're writing, take a look at the environment around you and write it out.  Go into as much detail as you like about whatever catches your eye.  Try writing in a way you aren't used to, and even choose to write without using certain key words you often use!  Get creative.
Summer is a perfect time to write, in my opinion, so I encourage y'all to get out there and write!  And by that, I mean open up the windows, turn on some music, find a comfy spot in the house, and write like crazy.  Don't go outside-- you might get an allergic reaction like I do.  (Dun, dun, duuuun)

Hakuna Matata!

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