Jan 30, 2015

The Pilgrim's Progress

This is my weekly update on my 50 in 52 challenge...comin' to you one day late, because I'm lazy.  And yes, I did skip last week, because I didn't read any books last week. 

As the post title may imply, I read Pilgrim's Progress this week.  I also got halfway through The Book Thief, but that doesn't count [yet].  I have my friend Amber, who is also doing the 50 in 52 challenge, to thank for me reading this book.  For years, I've heard about this book--and I always thought it must be a boring book about American pilgrims or whatever.  I don't know.  I'm not one for American history or anything like that, so I never had any interest in reading it.

Then I talked to Amber, and realized I was dead wrong!  So reading this book was a really fun thing for me because on every page, my former expectations of what the story was about were completely shattered.  It was a really fun book.  And according to the preface written by the publishers, Pilgrim's Progress has apparently been read by more people in the English language than any book--with the exception of the Bible.  Which is pretty cool.  This book was a fun way of interpreting a Christian's journey through life, and I definitely enjoyed it.

So my current list is at 8 books, with a whopping 42 left to read.  48 weeks to go.

This week I'm hoping to finish up The Book Thief and also read Daughters of Mars...or possibly Beowulf.  Or any of the other books sitting on my nightstand, waiting to be read.  We'll see!

Keep the book suggests coming, people!

Jan 15, 2015

The never-ending list

Found on victorienvannes.tumblr.com.
It seems like just when I think I've made some headway, I realize there are another 100 titles to add to my list.  No matter how hard I try, I can never keep up--let alone make progress!  There is a never-ending list of books to read, and I'm sure other bibliophiles can relate.  This year, I intend to make a dent in the list, to the best of my ability.

But really, what is 50 books when there are millions out there for us to read?  Granted, many books are not the sort I would enjoy reading.  You will never find a Stephen King suspense/mystery thriller on my nightstand, nor will you find 50 Shades of Grey or anything by Stephanie Meyer in my possession.  Even with filters like these, there are so many books out there I want to read.  Sometimes I wonder if there will be libraries in heaven.  That would be such a magnificent sight!  And I wonder, if there were libraries in heaven, what sort of books would fill the shelves.  I suppose I will just have to wait and see. =)

So!  Here are the books I read this week.  I am somewhat disappointed with myself that I have only accomplished to read two, but at least it's something--and it's definitely more than nothing.

1. Lord Tophet by Gregory Frost
Mostly good book but one part in the middle completely ruined it for me with incredibly vulgar humor that was taken way too far...wouldn't recommend.
2. The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhahn
Switches between the perspectives of the main human characters and the main characters in the spiritual realm.  Good read.

I am also going through The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, but I started reading it in 2014 so it doesn't count as part of the "50 in 52" list.  Oh well! 

7 down, and only 43 to go!

Have you read any good books this week?  I am always looking for recommendations!

Jan 8, 2015

50 books in 52 weeks

Why is it that people in our culture don't read as often as we used to?  Oh wait, I know the answer to that.  Television, movies, endless soul-sucking posts on social media.  I hate to admit it, but I fit that bill--I spend a lot more time watching screens than I do with my nose in a book, which is an incredibly sad thing to realize.  Well, this year, my goal is to change that.  I have decided to read 50 books in 2015.  Though I'm not entirely sure I can do it, I want to try.  Last year I completed NaNoWriMo, ran a 5k, and did a number of other things I thought I couldn't do until I tried them.  Why not give this a try?

First, let me clarify what I mean by "book."  Reading a children's picture book does not count, and reading short stories doesn't count either.  However, I am open to reading novellas, children's chapter books, plays, and other books that aren't necessarily super thick.  Perhaps next year I will step it up to reading 50 difficult books in a year, but this year I don't think I can accomplish that feat.  

I know for a fact that I will not read one book every week.  It just doesn't happen...especially when you're a full-time college student, part-time babysitter, and part-time photographer.  And church volunteer.  And enjoy watching movies.  Aaaaand try to have a social life...but, I digress.  This week, I have read 5 books (or plays).  5 down, 45 to go!  Depending on the week--and depending on the book--I may actually write reviews for some of them.  For right now, though, I'm just going to give y'all the names of the books (and plays) I read this week. 

1. Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
2. The Sea-Gull by Anton Chekhov
3. Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov
4. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
5. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

As always, I am up for any book suggestions people out there may have for me.  Especially with a goal of 50 books in a year on my plate, I am definitely open for recommendations! 

Jan 5, 2015

The Ultimate Measure of a Man

For times when you need your life to be put back in perspective-- here's a poem that I wrote a while back. It started out with inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King and it ended up being a reminder of all I have been given by the one, true King. It's funny how God does that...

Some people are born great while others are born greater
But sometimes even the greatest of the great don’t remember the image that they’re made in.
One great person I know of, His name is Dr. Martin Luther King.
He left this Earth, a hero, with a legacy in the making,
He said, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.
You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
You only have to put your hope and faith in The King who reigns from above.
“Only?” you ask, “Only put your hope in Him?
You say it like it’s so easy, but I know that the truth lies within because,
That’s like only diving down to the depths of the ocean
because I’ve been hurt so many times I can’t ever let this door open.
No one can get to me, they can’t read what’s on my heart today,
I won’t let them get inside no matter how hard you pray.
I am ME and ME is great, I’m the greatest you’ve ever seen,
And I won’t let anyone, not even God try to take that from ME.
I am strong, I am strong, but I’ve been hurt a lot before,
The difference is that was then but now I am locking the door.”
“ONLY??” you ask, “ONLY trust someone else?
I don’t think you understand, I can ONLY trust myself.
Because I’m the only one who knows, the only one who understands,
The only one who feels my heart beating and I won’t let you screw up my plans.”

But let me tell you, that’s not true, those are lies seared into your brain.
Those are lies that you developed to try to mask all of that pain,
Let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you something real,
There is one person in this universe that knows exactly how you feel
And He won’t steal you or reveal you, He will make your whole life new,
He won’t try to change you or rearrange you, He accepts you for you.

“And what makes ‘him’ different?”

What makes HIM different, you ask?
Well let me show you, you need to know too, because His cause is a mighty task.

He is The Creator. He is The Designer.
He is The Healer and Master Diviner.
He made The Heavens, He Made the Earth.
He gave life to the skies, the oceans, and the birds.
He is God. He is Lord. He is everything that is good.

But as He sat there on His Holy throne, He knew that we misunderstood.
So He sent Jesus, He sent Jesus, down to earth as a simple human.
As a baby He was born and later He died to make us new again.
And He was HURT, He was BETRAYED, even though in His friends you’d think He could trust.
HE IS 110% GOD, and yet He chose to live with us.

He came down to the grave and then went back to heaven, in order to restore.
And now we have His word and the Holy Spirit so we can remember that He's walked this road before.
So when you think you’re all alone and you’re afraid to trust other people,
Remember that the Cross means more than a friendly welcome sign on a church steeple.
It means HOPE, it means PEACE, it means LOVE, it means PERFECTION,
But not perfection in who we are-- in His death and resurrection.
So find Him sons and daughters. Find Him to live life True.
Find him and in him rest your hope, because He will always find you.
And on days when you’re lost and lonely and you think that you are done,
Read His word, and remember that the battle has already been won.
And He cares for you and He loves you and He will never let you go
Because the Lord Jesus Christ, oh He loves me, I
know because the Bible tells me so.

Dr. King was a really great person, I admire Him a lot.
And as he sits face to face with Jesus, I hope he is saving my spot
So I could ask Him a few simple questions and congratulate him on winning the cause,
The cause for the Kingdom of Christ, because that’s the greatest cause for applause.

“I just want to do God’s will. And he’s allowed me to go to the mountain. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land,”
Just as the Bible commands,

Martin Luther King put his faith in Jesus, and that is the ultimate measure of a man.