Dec 30, 2014

Things girls should NOT do, unless you like the guy...

Finding the line between being nice and appearing flirtatious is a very real struggle, and as girls, we probably won't ever get it completely right (unless one of our male friends would be so kind as to give us some more specific tips?). However, there are a few things we have learned about male-female friendships, that have taught us what NOT to do, if you don't like a guy, and don't want him to think that you do. Don't...

1. Give him gifts.
Just don't do it. You're thinking, "Oh, this reminds me of my friend (insert name here) and it's (insert holiday, birthday, or big accomplishment here), I should get this for him." But often times, he's thinking, "Dude, she went out of her way to get this for me and spent her money on this for me, obviously she likes me." Every time I've given a guy an (unsolicited) gift, he's ended up assuming that I have a thing for him, when the reality is, I was just trying to be nice. I've seen other girls give their guy-friends gifts and it didn't seem like a big deal to me but the last few times I gave a guy something, they took it wrong, so I'd say that as a general rule, just don't give him stuff. Unless of course, you're going to a party or event where gifts are socially implied (i.e. birthday party, graduation party, etc.).

2. Share all your internal struggles and deep thoughts.
Ladies, let's be honest.  We love to talk!  And we love to share our lives with others; it's how we work.  But when we open up to the point of telling guys all about the deeper parts of ourselves, it's sending them the wrong message. For us, the ability to share deep feelings and thoughts is somewhat a right of passage in friendship. When we feel comfortable enough to open up with someone, we take that as a sign of true friendship, but for guys, this can be a true sign that you are interested in more than friendship. Now, we're not saying this means you have to be on verbal lock-down, limiting yourself to conversation about the weather, we're just saying, keep tabs on what and how much information you disclose.

3. Text him all the time.
Again, we girls like to talk a lot.  And for a lot of women, we'll talk to anyone who wants to talk and can go on for hours, no problem!  But since guys aren't generally seen as big texters or even just talkers as we are, it's a good idea to limit the amount of texting you do.  If a guy is interested, often times he'll take you texting him as a sign.  He may think, "Wow!  She keeps talking to me, which must mean she's totally interested."  So to avoid this awkwardness, just don't do it too often!

4. Hang out one-on-one.
Most girls tend to disagree with this.  They think, "I'm super good friends with this guy, and it's totally platonic.  We're just friends, there's no issue of him thinking I like him!"  Uh huh, and that's part of the problem.  Trust us when we tell you this; it's happened to a lot of us girls!  If you want to keep your friendship with a guy, hanging out one-on-one is not a smart idea.  Going out somewhere with a guy, just the two of you, can come across as a precursor for dating.  Now, in certain situations, hanging out with your guy friend when it's just the two of you can be okay, I'll admit that.  But by and large, this sends a signal to a guy.  A very strong signal.  If you don't want him to pick up that signal, don't do it!  If you're going to go somewhere and hang out with your guy friend one-on-one, you should be open to the possibility of having the "more than friends" talk sometime in the future.  Because it probably will.

So there you have it!  Our opinions on what girls should avoid doing, unless they are interested in a guy.  Girls: what do you think of these?  Guys: anything else we need to be aware of?  What are some of your experiences?

Dec 29, 2014

My 2015 Bucket List

I've never been much of a "bucket list" person, or the type of person who makes New Year resolutions...but this year, I'm giving it a try.  In 2015, I want to take more chances, try new things, and experience life in new ways.  (Don't we all?)  So here are my top 10 goals for the year of 2015:

1. Run a 10k. 
In 2014, I ran my first 5k.  I plan to do a 10k in May!  Originally, I wanted to try a 1/2 marathon, but some issues have blockaded my ability to prepare for something that large.
2. Climb the incline.  
Between unknown knee pains, knee surgery, and other medical issues in the last few years, I've somehow never gotten around to this one.
3. Finish writing another book. 
After writing it for 4 years, I finished my first novella in 2014 with over 65,000 words!  This year, I plan to finish the one I'm currently working on.  Shouldn't be too hard.
4. Compete in NaNoWriMo again.
For anyone who likes writing, this is such a fun and worthwhile challenge!  I didn't think I could do it because I write incredibly slowly.  But, amazingly, I finished it!  And it feels so great.
5. Make a documentary.
I am saving up to substantially upgrade my camera, and the one I'm buying has great film capabilities.  I have several ideas that have always sounded like fun, and why not give 'em a try!
6. Record a set of songs.
As a musician, I have often played around with random melodies, making up my own songs and such.  Why not record a couple of them for fun, to have for future years?  Another fun thing to try out!
7. Read 50 books.
Eventually I want to be reading more than this, but I think 50 books in 52 weeks sounds daunting enough for me to give it a try.
8. Go camping.
This may not sound like a bucket list item, but I haven't been camping since I was a kid and I have been wanting to do it again for a long time!
9. Finish my "Hipster Princes" photo project.
For those of you who know what this is, you'll know that I have been working on it since August and only have two of the princes done!  For those of you who don't know what it is...well, you can ask me and I'll gladly divulge all the details.
10. Read through the Old Testament for the purpose of finding Christophanies.
This is something my pastor suggested to the congregation recently, and I love the idea.  Jesus Christ walked on the pages of the Old Testament, whether literally or in foreshadowing, and reading through the O.T. for that purpose sounds so great!

Anything exciting on your bucket list for 2015?

Dec 7, 2014

5 reasons you should read literature more often

I love and appreciate books of all (or, most) forms.  When I'm feeling like an easy, fun read, I'll pick up a book like "The Giver."  When I feel like something deep, I'll turn to old classics like "Great Expectations."  And, when I and struggling with something in my life, I'll often pick up a book like "Mere Christianity."  While many books are enjoyable, they aren't all the same.  Here are some reasons why literature, specifically, is a good idea to get in the habit of reading often.

1. It will expand your horizons.
Reading all sorts of books is a good thing.  But reading literature, more specifically, is important.  What sets literature apart from the vast majority of books out there, is that literature refers to a book that meets higher standards.  Literature can be thought of as a superior option to other types of reading materials.  Literary works are thought-provoking and stimulating, and often turn into classics (like works by Shakespeare, Austen, Homer, and so on).  These types of books cover a variety of life issues, theoretical ideas, and quite often pose intriguing questions that the reader is encouraged to answer for himself/herself.  So not only do you read a good book, you also come away with something more than you had when you started reading.

2. You will know more about the world.
Literally.  Literature comes from all over the place.  Not all literature is written in the US, or in England, or wherever you think it comes from.  People of all walks of life, both men and women, young and old, have contributed to the hefty pool of literature we have to choose from.  And we also have literature from quite some time ago.  When reading books written by a variety of people for a variety of people, you may just find that your eyes are opened to new things.  You can learn what a culture is/was like by reading literature that comes from/is based on that particular culture.

3. People associate reading with intelligence.
This is not to say that if you do not read, you are not intelligent...and it's also not saying that you are intelligent, simply because you read.  But it is true that many people associate a person's level of intelligence with reading.  For example, if you are talking to two complete strangers and one mentions he just read War and Peace, and the other states he hasn't read a book in 5 years, which one would you be more likely to think is intelligent?  Come on.  It's true.  And it is also true that the more you read, the more you learn.  So if you're reading good quality books, you will probably learn good quality things.  Win/win.

4. Your creativity will skyrocket.
Okay, so this hasn't been scientifically proven or anything, but in my experience, it's true.  The more often I read, the more ideas I have for my own writing or for an art project or for a new song.  When I read an excellent book, it makes me want to go do something productive (and creative) that matches that book's level of beauty.  After reading about a beautiful scene of a lake sitting at the edge of a forest, I want to go out and find someplace like that and photograph it.  Basically, reading and creativity are very closely tied!  In my opinion.

5. There are books out there for everyone.
No, "Fifty Shades of Grey" does not count as literature.  And reading a graphic novel doesn't exactly count, either.  But no matter what you're into, whether you're a math-lover or you can't get enough history in your life; whether you are into music or want to be an engineer, there is literature out there for you.  Reading a good book, one that has substance and meaning behind it, can inspire us to do better things in the area we love.  Literature helps us learn more about a subject we love, discover new things about ourselves, and feel like we belong.

Some of my top recommended pieces of literature are: "Macbeth" by Shakespeare, "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, "Emma" by Jane Austen, and basically anything by C.S. Lewis.

What are yours?

Nov 24, 2014


This is a message to all the girls out there, young and old.

Just in case you didn't know this about are beautiful.  Yes, you, reading this right now. Why is it that when people tell us this, we either find it surprising, or we assume they're just saying that either out of kindness or because they're biased?  Could it be possible that it is a truth--that we are all beautiful? To answer simply, yes.
No two people look exactly the same.  No matter how hard you try, you'll never look exactly like someone else.  There's a reason for that--we're created differently on purpose, so embrace it!  You are unique, just like every other girl out there.  And that is a really cool thing, actually.  

Your friends will love you no matter what you look like.  And honestly, if you're happy with how you look and are comfortable in your own skin, it gives you greater confidence and that makes for better relationships.  Most people think they have to look nice all the time, but true friends can look like a hot mess around each other and no one cares.  Heck, if you have friends like mine, they may even tease you (lovingly) when you do put effort into how you look!  The point is, great friends think you are beautiful no matter what, and they're right.  You are.

Your future husband is going to LOVE the way you look.  Just the way you are.  No add-ins, no take-outs.  Your size, height, hair and eye color--all of it, he'll love.  My sister once told me that a girl's future husband is going to be designed to love her the way she is naturally.  God has created that guy to love everything about you, including what you look like.  So don't try to cover up who you are with layers of masks and makeup.  (Besides, the more makeup you wear, the more your face will break out anyway.  And guys like natural beauty anyway!)

God doesn't make mistakes.  If God wanted you to have a different hair color, a smaller or larger waist, or different eyebrows, He'd have made you with those.  Now, I'm not opposed to putting effort into looking nice--I put on mascara most days, and have no problems with experimenting and having fun with hair colors!  But it's important that we know that our beauty doesn't come from how much makeup we use or how "put together" and "fashionable" we stay.  God created us beautiful naturally, and when you embrace it, it shows.  Many girls who go without makeup find that they feel stronger and more confident in their own skin--they also have been known to get more compliments on their beauty because others can see they are okay with how they look!

Would you want to change the way your best friend looks?  Odds are, you love her freckles and dimples, her eye color and her cool/crazy hair.  You want her to know that she's beautiful inside and out!  It works both ways--so are you.  Really, you are.

You are beautiful.

Nov 7, 2014

5 things NOT to do if you want to ask out a girl!

Boys--believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about asking out a girl.  In a collaboration by Emma and Laurel, here are things you should NOT do if you want to ask a girl out.  Do not...

1)  Send her anonymous gifts. 
You're thinking, "Hey, she likes flowers!  I'll send her flowers.  But I'll keep it anonymous."  The girl is thinking, "Uhmm, some random person sent me flowers and I have no clue who...that's creepy... Is this a serial killer signal? Do I need to hire body guards?" Gifts are cool, but just put your name on the dang tag. Actually, having said that, if we don't know you well, that's going to be creepy whether it's anonymous or not... So rephrase to, only send her a gift if you know her pretty well and are going somewhere with it.
Key tip: Hopefully you know her well enough to be aware of what her love languages are, because for some people who aren't super huge gift people *ahem both of us,* asking her out by giving her something will just freak her out in general.  She may not even like gifts, unless it's Christmas or a birthday or something. And on the opposite side of the spectrum, there are those girls who are just plain gold diggers who will only stick around because you gave them a gift. Bottom line-- tread softly with gifts.

2) Pour out your soul to her.
This is something that, while we love to grow in deeper relationships with people, you should really save until after you two are dating. Opening up with someone by telling them everything you feel about them is kind of a big deal. I mean, it takes a lot of guts to open up such personal information to somebody, so pouring out your soul (in conversation, in an email, in a letter, etc.) is ultimately a way of trusting part of your heart to someone. Unfortunately, if you're not dating, she might not be ready to be put in such an intimate situation. Once you tell someone every lingering detail of how you feel about them, there's no turning back, and it's a lot of pressure to figure out how to deal with the information, even if she likes you back. If you're asking her out or letting her know you view her as more than a friend, just tell her those facts and leave it at that. If the feeling is mutual and you end up in a relationship, then and only then can you proceed and give more details about "the longing of your soul," and whatever else you have to say that would otherwise sound creepy.

3) Talk to her via electronics when you don't know her well.
This sounds a bit weird; most people talk via texting, facebook, or other social media nowadays.  But to a girl, if you're consistently trying to talk to her online when she hardly knows you in person, it'll freak her out.  When you want to get to know her better, try doing so through face-to-face communication. Then, once you have a pretty basic friendship (i.e. you know the basis of her family, education/work, living situation, and vice versa) it probably wouldn't be creepy to go for electronic conversation, but even then, don't be that person that texts her every waking moment. And a key tip: if you keep sending messages, and she doesn't respond, it's because she doesn't want to-- you probably need to keep working on that "getting-to-know-you-in-person" thing.  Also, keep in mind that if she wants to talk to you, she will.  You don't have to force a conversation. 

4) Talk about her to everyone you know (except her)!
Okay, this is a major NO.  Seriously, guys.  If you like a girl, you're free and welcome to tell her.  The worst she'll say is that she's not interested in you in that way, and if you really care about each other otherwise, you can still be friends.  When you talk to everybody who'll listen and tell the whole world you are in love with this girl but never even tell her this information, it's going to send her running for the hills! It's almost like that "pouring-of-your-soul" incident--in her mind, you went from "Wow! I'm so happy I have this great friend," to "Oh my gosh, he was planning to have my children!!" in 0-3 seconds. It can come off almost predatory at this time because it seems like you've had intentions for her that everyone else knew about and expected, but she had no say in the matter. Also, girls can get offended that you are essentially sharing this deep information with everyone except her.  Uh, hello?  Is there a reason you told some random guy you're in love with me while keeping me in the dark?  Just keep your feelings of love between you and your best bros, rather than everyone you know...

5) Call it "hanging out." 
If you want to hang out, cool!  Girls will, in their minds, see it as just that.  Two friends hanging out, nothing going on between you.  If you want to ask her out, ask her out.  On a date.  Don't think we're joking when we say this. We have both experienced this for ourselves, and it just doesn't end well... ever! In this day and age where it is socially acceptable for girls and guys to be "just friends" (supposedly), even if we're attracted to you, we will see you as a friend until you mention otherwise, and all friends "hang out." So if we're just friends, let's "hang out," but if this is something more in your mind, you. must. call. it. a. date. And don't try to find loopholes by saying,  "Fine, I'll ask her to 'chill' instead," there are no loopholes, and you're deceiving yourself if you think you can find one. Don't be afraid to ask; it'll mean less confusion and better communication, which is a big plus for girls.

To the ladies out there...did we miss anything? What things should guys not do if they are interested in asking you out?

Oct 31, 2014

It was one of those days

We all have those days...The ones where, despite the normalcy of life, you can just tell there's something different.  Thursday, of all days, things are different.  And it was a beautiful day.  Here are some ways in which that day, whether in the tiniest things or huge things, I saw God in a big way.

1)  The sunrise.  The sunrise was like every other, I'm sure, because the sun rose from the east right when it should have.  Unlike most school days, I ended up waking up long before I intended to and was out the door 15 minutes early.  Because of this, I got to actually see the sunrise while driving.  It was beautiful.  Though I could've been complaining about how tired I was, I chose to look at how gorgeous that orange sun looked as it began to rise above the horizon.

2) My math grade.  I do not like math, and math does not like me.  I do alright, but I never do spectacularly well.  When my test score was handed back to me, I nearly cried.  (Don't judge)  I got a 98.  For me, that's unheard of.  Especially considering the fact that it's an 8am math class!  I knew immediately, looking at the score, that one big reason I did well was that in addition to studying (as I always do), this time around I was constantly praying and lifting up my concerns to God.  He heard me.  It may sound like a trivial thing, but He definitely heard me!

3) Daily Bible Verse.  I have an app on my iPod that sends out a daily Bible verse.  Thursday's was so awesome...and this one takes a bit more explaining.

For the last month or two, I've been praying something that sounds a bit odd, and perhaps it is.  But I've had a burden for it and I know it's what I need to talk to God about.  I've been praying for ISIS--specifically, that one man in that group to come to know Christ and give his life to God.  One man who can experience how powerful Jesus' love for him is, and who wants to radically change.  Others in the weekly prayer group I'm part of have joined in on this, and every week we lift up this man to the Lord.

Sometimes it almost feels like there's no way God's hearing this weird prayer...well, the other day, my friend texted me and asked that we spend the day constantly in prayer about this.  She said she felt that something--she didn't know what--was going on or going to happen.  I passed this on to several others and they also joined us in prayer for this one man, whoever he is.  We may never know the outcome of our prayers for him, but we have been diligent in praying for him.

Thursday's Bible verse came right after I finished praying silently for the man in ISIS again.  Literally, like right after.  It was Psalm 28:6-8.  The perfect verse I needed to see: God hears our petitions!  We can rejoice.  We can thank Him for all He's done.  He is a stronghold of salvation!

4) The value of life.  There's been a lot of talk lately about a woman with Stage 4 cancer who moved from California to Oregon so that she would be allowed to end her own life.  I read in the news today that she has decided to rethink the idea of ending her own life--now, I certainly can't identify with her struggles, but it brings me so much joy to hear that she's choosing LIFE instead of death!  Even if it's just for today, that's a small change of the heart.  I rejoiced so much when I read that headline.  I continue to pray for her and her family; not just for healing, but for a beautiful relationship with Christ to come from her suffering and for her testimony to be a powerful one that can reach a lost culture.

Even though on Thursday I saw in unique ways how powerful and how closely involved in my life He is, it was also a great reminder that every day is like Thursday.  I just don't see it all the time!  God is moving--not just in my life, but also in yours.

Oct 26, 2014

November, here I come!

We college students are halfway through the semester (give or take a week) at this point.  I have officially hit that oh-so-familiar wall and I really do not have motivation to get schoolwork done right now.  I realized, however, that my schoolwork is reflecting my creativity as a whole.  It seems that lately, I have not had time to write much.  Piano is something I have been doing less often (though I still work at it every day, in some sort).  The creative juices, so to speak, aren't really flowing all that much at the moment.

So I have decided to do some crazy things that just might work!  Granted, they may go horribly wrong and I may regret getting myself into them.  I often take on too much and realize it later on.  However, I want to give 'em a try, so I'm going to!

This year, I am signing up for NaNoWriMo.  50,000 words in 30 days?  Psh, that'll be easy...right?  But wait, there's more.

I'm also signed up for GrammoWriMo.  This is Grammarly's attempt to break a world record, and I'll be helping out with writing a group novel...I have no problems doing this one because each person is only supposed to write around 800 words.  Easy stuff. 

And then there's a monthly worship "jam session," as we like to call it, that I'll be starting/heading up for a while.  My team wants a chance to play around, learn new things, and get to know each other more.  And there are a lot of people who aren't on the team who would like to be able to worship together; we want to come together as a group and have a fun time working on stuff.  It'll take a few extra hours of homework time, but will it be worth it?  I certainly think so.

Because I have decided to attempt a half marathon in the spring, I will also be starting to go jogging quite often.  This may not sound "creative" per say, but I have found that when I go for a jog, I tend to spend the rest of the day happier, more energetic, and I have more creative ideas floating around in my mind.

Oh, and also, Emma and I are officially launching our photography business.  We already have some clients all lined up and ready to go.

November will be a month of creativity for me!  I'm quite nervous, but very excited.  Anyone else getting ready to try new things next month?  "November resolutions," anyone?

Oct 9, 2014

The Wonders of Words

I posted this story on Facebook a long time ago, but thought it might be a good idea to send this out to some of you who I don't know personally... Enjoy!

         One of my fondest memories takes place on a very special Friday a few years ago. Some like to call this day "The Day of Extreme Shopping," others might title it, "Capitalism at its Finest," and yet, to most Americans this day is known as Black Friday.
         It was around 6 am when I was sitting on a bench at the mall, a good distance outside a department store where my mom and her friend were looking for the latest thing-a-ma-bob. I was so tired after a full night of shopping and I wasn't necessarily looking "my best" (whatever that means). I was in serious do-or-die-shopping-mode that night, which meant I didn't have time to worry about makeup getting smudged, hair getting in my way, or unnecessary accessories clanking around... in other words, as said by the famed artist, Drake, "Sweat pants, hair tied, Chillin' wit no makeup on."
I didn't really care, and considering my particularly hangry mood, it was nice that the part of the mall near my bench was pretty deserted. I was just about to fall asleep on that bench when I noticed two young men walking past me. However, it wasn't their walking that got my attention, rather, it was the fact that one of the guys stopped in his tracks and stared right at me, while the other kept on his way.

      "Oh come on. Not now, let's go," the fast-paced man said to the deer in the head lights.

      "Nah nah, hold on," The frozen man replied with a laughing smile across his face.

     "Oh no," I thought. "I do not want to deal with this right now. Can't he tell that I am tired beyond belief? I would think that anyone within a 500 ft. radius would be able to tell considering the insanity that is the bags under my eyes. Doesn't anything about my body language cry, LEAVE ME ALONE, I'D RATHER NOT DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW?!?!?!??"

As I scrambled my thoughts, trying to think of a good way to kindly & firmly reject this guy, he walked closer, and closer, and then he did the unthinkable-- He sat down on the bench, right next to me!

"WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS?" I thought. As I smiled at him and tried my hardest to remember the number for the rejection hotline, he said something I never expected, and something I'll never forget.

The man said, "You are beautiful. Really, you are beautiful, and no matter what anyone says, don't ever forget that, okay?"

Blank. That's what my mind was... blank.

I had no idea what to say to this stranger. Eventually, I croaked out a, "Thank... you,"
But he was already starting to leave as I was thanking him. And that was all.

       Even more quickly than he came, he left, and I never saw him again. I felt like I should have done more, I felt like I should have chased him down, but then what would I do? Just say 'thank you' again? I didn't know. I contemplated the event for the rest of the day simply wondering, "What compelled him to do that?"
      Whether it was the look in his eyes or the tone in his voice, I couldn't tell you, but I knew that he was being completely genuine-- more genuine than I'd ever seen anyone be. In this moment, I knew that he wasn't trying to get anything from me or use this as a moment to dance around some underlying intentions. He simply noticed something, and wanted to make sure I understood what he was seeing.
Photo by Emma Bailey
  I don't remember this moment all the time. But every once in a while, it pops into my brain and I smile at the recollection. That man will probably never know the affect that he had on my life, and perhaps I never will either, but I can say that the one simple comment I received from a stranger that day, really did change my life (even if it was years later that I realized it) and here is why:

I don't think that words alone can solve many of the world's problems, but I do think that words alone have caused many of the world's problems. I think many problems are caused by the fact that too many people don't say exactly what's on their mind, and too many people say exactly what's on their mind too often.

       I don't know about you, but I think a lot of positive thoughts about people that I believe I should express more often. In fact, on a daily basis I might recognize one person's beautiful eyes, another person's great work ethic, and many people who are thoughtful, interesting, pleasant to be around, and kind. In that same day, I might not mention any of those things to any one of those people.

That's sad.

      In fact, it's a tragedy that many people aren't willing (or don't think) to point outEspecially when at home, on the street, in friend groups, and at school people are hearing that they're ugly, unworthy, no-good, and useless.
Photo by Emma Bailey; Model, Kaylin Rutkowski
points of others' beauty on a daily basis. We let it come from songs and media that emphasize the importance of "being yourself," letting, "your true colors shine," and showing those, "freckles, dimples, true eye colors, etc." and while these are all good things, the messages we hear in the media can only take us so far.
       Not to mention, there are the too many of us that are these very people in our homes, our schools, with our friends and on the street reinforcing each others' failures and flaws (in our minds & out-loud). It's not even that our negativity isn't true, because sometimes negative statements are true, but more often than not, it's just not necessary to point out the negativity.
      Most people don't need to be reminded of their failures-- they're keenly aware of them, but the same people might not ever realize they've even had any successes. Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime, and then committed suicide. I wonder what would have happened if someone told him he was a great artist... Or even if they simply mentioned that they loved his passion for art, regardless of their thoughts on the piece's quality.
      All this to say, thank you, random man, for saying something really nice to me when my hope for humanity was at a low point. From that moment, I've realized that one of life's greatest adventures is the ability to make someone's day every day. From that simple experience, I've learned that the world would be a better place if everyone had the courage to approach other people and give them genuine and specific compliments.

Live Loved,

Oct 8, 2014

This one's for the girls

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Dear single girls waiting for the right guy to come along,

Let's stop wasting our time and searching for the wrong type of attention.  How about instead, we actually start doing what we say we're doing--waiting?  How about we stop advertising our singleness and stop chasing after guys?  How about we stop treating guys like eye-candy and start treating them with the same respect we say we want?  Can we stop missionary dating or settling for a guy who isn't passionate about God?  Can we do that?  Great.  Let's get started.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
First off!  Did y'all know that there's a difference between saying "I'm waiting for such and such" and actually waiting?  It's true.  This isn't just the case with relationships; it's true in many areas of life.  Waiting means having patience, and that word literally means "long suffering."  Basically, patience sometimes means suffering for a long time.  If you're at the point in life when you're waiting for the right guy, it's important to actually wait.  When we feel the desire to have a Godly relationship but it just hasn't happened yet, it can be easy to start searching (even if you don't admit it or tell anyone that you're searching).  We take our eyes off the main goal--loving Christ and making Him known--and instead we spend our time constantly thinking about this guy or that.  Dropping hints.  Pursuing them.  Gettin' a little to friendly.  One guy today, another tomorrow.  It's time for a break!

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Secondly...If you're single, cool.  If you're in a relationship, cool.  Both are stages of our lives and we won't ever be completely happy or have a perfect life in either case.  If you're single and lovin' it, then there's really no need to constantly post on social media about how content you are and how you are just loving your life--go out there, live it!  Be an example to the rest of us by living a life on fire for God.  If you're content with where you are, wherever that is, don't be concerned about telling people.  When we see a woman like you living that content life happily and wonderfully, we'll notice.  It'll inspire us to do the same.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Third, respect.  We all want to be respected, especially by guys, but girls in this culture have one big issue: we don't respect men!  Man Crush Mondays when we drool over celebrities.  Posting pictures of celebrities all over social media.  Creating secret boards devoted to pictures of hotties.  Talking about how hot this guy is and how gorgeous that one is.  Think about it this way: if a guy in your life were to always be posting about, posting photos of, and talking about how "hot" a female celebrity is, would you respect him?  Probably not a whole lot.  Like me, you might even get a little offended.  It's a two-way street, ladies!  If we want respect from others, we need to give respect to others.  So, please, for your sake and for the sake of everyone who you are associated with on social media, stop posting about guys.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Finally and MOST IMPORTANTLY!  A man whose heart is not after God's should not be after yours.  Remember in the Bible, where we're told not to be "unequally yoked" to non-believers (2 Corinthians 6:14)?  It's really, really good advice to follow.  When your main goal in life is to follow God and a guy's main goal in life does not match up with that, a lot of things are going to go wrong. Commonly known as 'missionary dating,' girls tend to meet guys who are nice, per say, but not Christians...and we think if we date them, they'll become believers.  Maybe he'll change.  Maybe he'll realize how awesome God is!  However, it's a lot easier to be pulled down into the mess of the world than to bring someone up from it.  Relationships with non-believers really aren't a good idea.  God has someone in mind who is going to love Him in a way that will make your relationship 100 times more amazing than it could be if you date a non-Christian.  So, please, wait for that guy! 

Ladies, y'all are awesome.  I love my sisters in Christ!  And I know it'll be a challenging road, but it will be oh so worth it.  Take heart, ladies!  You are not alone.  None of us--no matter what we're going through in life, no matter what we're facing--are ever alone. 

Oct 6, 2014

Bursting with creativity

When we started this blog, one of the purposes was the expression of creativity.  Going back to our "dreamers and doers" post, we basically said that we want to be both.  Dream big, fantastical dreams and turn them into reality.  Since the beginning of this blogging journey, creativity has become something much more to me than it was before.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
The imaginative world is all around us--yet sometimes, we don't see it.  Our creative senses are dulled by the pull of the practical world.  Hurry from point A to point B; get x, y, and z done now; apply for this job; work hard; stay up late studying.  None of these things are wrong or bad.  As a college student, I am in those places right now.  But it's important to take some time out of our daily stress-filled lives and focus on the creative side of life.

The great thing about creativity is that you can never run out.  The more you use, the more it comes to life inside of you.  One idea leads to five new ideas, which all lead to abundantly more ideas.  And when these ideas come to life, beautiful things happen.  We are all creative people!  Yes, even the left-brained people.  Y'all are creative too!  Don't let anything hold you back from making your dreams become realities. 

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Since we started the blog, I have made it my goal to do at least one creative thing every day.  Some days I feel more accomplished than others, but looking back I have found that my goal has been reached.  On the days when I have a plethora of time, I write.  When I do not have adequate time for that task, I read.  (Yes, this is creative!)  During prime photo-taking seasons, I photograph.  Though I am not talented at it, I doodle and draw while in school.  And maybe once a week, I Instagram--yes, this is creative!  Then there's playing piano, listening to music, and creating music.  (Basically anything music-related)  The list goes on and on, as I'm sure you know. 

As I compiled a list of the creative things I have been doing on a day-to-day basis, I became even more excited about living a creative life.  The world is full of life and adventure--why not find new ways to be part of it?

Oct 4, 2014

Do I even have a testimony?

"Do I even have a testimony?"

I often asked myself that question in high school, especially in 9th and 10th grade.  Being an avid churchgoer, having gone through two years of a student leadership program, and always being involved in small groups, I heard the testimonies of many of our youth group's leaders.  Most of them followed the same theme.

"I used to do drugs, but God saved me from that."  "I struggled with depression and wanted to end my life, then God intervened in my life and I radically changed."  "I don't drink alcohol any more, because God saved me."  Always the same type of stories--people who had done horribly bad things, and God stepped into their lives at some point.  They realized how off track they were, how much they needed a savior, and gave their lives to God.  Those stories are totally awesome; praise the Lord for His faithfulness to save us from such things! 

Photo by Laurel Burlew
I enjoyed listening to testimonies because they showed me how God is so much greater than anything in this world.  At the same time, I didn't like listening to them because I felt almost left out (silly, isn't it?).  Whenever I heard the word "testimony," I thought of those awesome stories and I felt inadequate to share mine due to the lack of excitement in my life. 

A few times during high school, I was asked to share my testimony.  Sometimes it was in small groups, sometimes for younger kids.  I never felt equipped for it.  I didn't even know if I had a testimony.   My life seemed so boring.  I've been going to church since I was born; I learned all the books of the Bible as children's songs; my church attendance has always been near perfect.  I had never done anything too terribly "bad".  In my mind, you could only have a testimony if you had a very terrible life before you came to Christ.

So each time, I dug up the most horrible things I had ever done or thought and tried to express the same type of story I had heard a thousand times.  The things I talked about weren't untrue, but they weren't the root of my true testimony.  Yes, I've been through struggles.  I've had low points.  That is completely true.  But that's not necessarily my personal testimony.

I've talked to a number of kids in the church who feel the same way I did.  The word "testimony" is intimidating to them, as it was to me, because we've never done any of those super "bad" things some others have.  A lot of kids, teens, and even adults shy away from telling their testimonies if they feel like nothing completely horrible has happened to them.

I realized something of great importance during my freshman year in college: I actually do have a testimony.  It's just as valid, and awesome, as the testimony of any other person.  Really, the definition of the word is this: an open declaration.  Proof.  Evidence of a fact.  Profession.  Your testimony is the evidence in your personal life that Jesus is your Lord and Savior.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
My testimony is that I came to Christ at a young age.  I've never been drunk, never smoked, never tried drugs.  Jesus saved me from those things before I even did them.  And when I make a mistake or sin in other ways--believe me, I do it all the time--He forgives me.  God sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and forgive us of our sins when we repent and turn to Him.  That includes me.  He saved me from what I deserve and is preparing me for something better than I can imagine. 

Whether we've done the worst things you can think of or have never really done anything super "bad," Jesus saved us all the same.  We all sin--that means we literally have zero chance of getting into heaven on our own.  Without Christ, we're doomed for eternity.  When we choose to live for Christ and put away the things of the world, that is our testimony.  Everyone has one, and the fact that they're all different is what makes them so powerful. 

You never know who may need to hear your story; it may be infinitely more important than you think.

Sep 23, 2014

Adventure is NOT Out There

The title of this post is something I've been contemplating a lot over the past four months or so. I've also contemplated writing about it multiple times and each time I've been distracted by something else. This weekend I sat in silence and tried to hone in on what God had to say to me (rather than tell him everything that's on my mind). I wasn't expecting it, but (of course) He said "Write a blog post. Write the one I've been asking you about for the last four months..."

So here I am.

Have you ever seen the Disney Pixar movie UP? If you have, then you're probably familiar with the popular theme/saying from the movie, "Adventure is Out There!" Like most popular Disney phrases, this saying is plastered all over the internet. But it's not just the saying-- the word ADVENTURE seems to be everywhere now adays. Seriously, look around and I promise you'll start noticing it. The concept of adventure is somewhat a trend in our current culture-- especially for the millenial generation.

Photo  by Emma Bailey
In many ways, that's pretty amazing. It's great to think that so many people are in love with the idea of doing something exciting with the lives they've been given. However, I think the concept of adventure has been terribly distorted in the process. One of my friends and I had a conversation once about how people often watch movies or read books and say "I wish that would happen to me! I wish I was that character! I wish I had that life," or "I wish I could go on an adventure like that." But we don't really want their life, we want the benefits of their life. In each of those movies or books, the main characters usually encounter major problems like near-death experiences, heartbreak, persecution, or other dramatic circumstances. And when people are faced with similar trials in their own life, they definitely don't see it as "an adventure," or at least not the one they wanted...

So knowing this, it would seem that people don't actually want adventure at all. They want mountaintop moments with laughter and smiles without any valleys or even speedbumps. Of course we can all understand this perspective because who doesn't wish that they could live a life that never involved pain? (It's called Heaven.) But most of the adventurous moments I've had in my life always include something going terribly wrong. I think it's important to recognize the "Adventure" that is right before us everyday and learn why it's important to appreciate our moments in the valleys.

Photo by Emma Bailey
If we never experienced tough circumstances ("valley moments") then we would never be able to appreciate it when we are going through great times in life. The reality is that no matter where you are in life, there will always be problems and you can choose to see those problems as the headline of your life, or you can choose to see them on the sidelines as you stand in the middle of the field with your victory trophy. As a Christians, we must remember that the battle has already been won. If we are living on the winning team, then let's act like it! How would your life look differently, if you lived like the battle has already been won?

Many people of this generation seem as though they're always waiting for a big adventure to sweep them off their feet, and then their life will begin. Whether the big adventure is marriage, a "real" job, their dream job, a visit to a foreign country, a certain relationship, or their next big idea coming to life, so many people are waiting for the perfect conditions in order for their life to set sail.

Don't let me squash your dreams. Dreams are important and I believe you should always have them, but don't wait for your dreams to come true in order for your life to have value. And here's why-- no matter what you have, you will never be satisfied with anything but Christ. No matter how much time you spend "getting your life together," it will never be "together" enough. No matter how much stuff you have, you will always want more stuff. And no matter how many adventures you have, there will always be a new or better adventure to be had (and chances are, one of your Facebook friends has already experienced it before you'll get to).

Photo by Emma Bailey
The truth is, every day is a chance for an adventure. If it's raining, dance in it. If you see someone at school that looks like they've had a bad day, talk to them. When you overhear someone talking about their recent divorce, pray for them. If you want to get really adventurous, you might even ask if you could pray WITH them. If the weather is nice and you see a mountain, hike it. When you're given an assignment, accomplish it with gusto. When your $20 bill flys away in the wind, chase it (I've never experienced that, but that's what I'd do if it did happen ;). And when the Lord calls you to do something, do it.

If you spend more and more time listening to Him, however you listen best, then He WILL show up. He will tell you what He wants you to do, and you WILL experience the adventure of living life with Him. Some of the smallest moments that I've mentioned above, can become your biggest adventures when we have God in the midst of it all. And suddenly you'll see that we aren't just waiting for adventure, but living it.

All of this being said, I think it's important that we change our perspective to see that adventure isn't something that's "out there," instead adventure is something that's right here, right now. Adventure is every day, in our most mundane moments, we have the opportunity to live the adventure of a life with Christ. So don't wait for adventure to find you-- just live it.

I find all of this perfectly summarized in one of my favorite Bible verses, Dueteronomy 30:11-14:

This commandement that I'm commanding you today isn't too much for you: it's not out of your reach. It's not on a high mountain-- you don't have to get mountaineers to climb the peak and explain it before you can live it. And it's not across the ocean--you don't have to send sailors out to get it, bring it back, and then explain it before you can live it. NO. The word of God is right here and now-- as near as the tongue in your mouth, as near as the heart in your chest. Just do it!

Live Loved,

Sep 22, 2014

Seasons change, as do we all.

Well the crazy, wedding-packed season of my life has come to an end! FINALLY! (Love you Shawn, Katie, Hannah, and Andrew...but I am glad to be done with your weddings!)

And now it seems that we have swung fully into yet another crazy season of life, just as I was ready to relax!  I suppose I got to do all my relaxing last semester, when I was sitting at home doing nothing and waiting for my knee to heal.  What is that about "the grass is always greener on the other side?"  I distinctly remember saying to myself that life was too boring back then!  And now, it's too busy?  Such is life, I suppose.

School is in full-swing, I'm working part-time at various jobs, and Emma and I are trying to get our business up and working.  So much to do!  Things are even changing in my church life--I am at a crossroads and have to decide whether to continue as the youth worship leader and try to figure out how to fit it into my schedule, or step down from that and basically not be around the amazing church family I love so much.

Decisions, decisions. 

Amidst it all, I am realizing how much I am NOT in control of my own life.  If it were up to me, I'd be done with school forever (because who needs a college degree? Heh...), I would have a job at a publishing company already part-time, I'd be working at my church and would have many hours to devote to that, and would still have a plethora of time for friends.  Basically, I want to be Superwoman.  Or, Batman.  Yeah, I want to be Batman. 

Even superheroes have their limits, though.  And we can't always get what we want.  I am so prevalently learning that in life right now!  I don't always get what I want!  Wow, that makes me sound like a whiny little kid...but I digress.  What I'm getting at is, it's so cool how God knows what I need and gives me just that, even when I want something else.  I'm constantly reminded of how little I know about what's best, and how much He does.  And oh my goodness, do you guys realize how patient He is with us?  Serious props for being so patient and loving, even though we mess up every single day of our lives.

Anyway!  All around me I can feel a season of change--not just the leaves turning gold and the temperatures dropping, but also change in myself and in my life.  Just a few months ago I was living in a house with my amigos--my two older siblings.  Now I'm in a different house, and it's just me and my parents.  I am practically an only child!  So weird! 

I have no idea what's in store for me in the next season of my life.  Every time I think I know, I find out I'm wrong.  I think I should just stop trying to figure it all out, and let it play out.  Though I am not a person who enjoys immense amounts of change at one time, I am finding that sometimes that will just happen and I have to learn to go with it. 

So that's me right now, learning to adapt to changes and go with the flow wherever God takes me. 

Sep 18, 2014

The Underground Battleground: A Prayer Ministry

For anyone who may still be checking up on this blog, first of all let me say thank you.  It's a weird thought to me that these posts go out into the void known as the internet and anyone could read them at any time...mostly, I assume that no one has read, or will read, our posts.  Knowing that some people do is very encouraging to us, especially being that Emma and I are both writers!  Secondly, let me say that we are not intentionally dropping off the face of the [virtual] planet.  It may be some time in between our posts, but we are still planning on keeping this blog going.  For me, at least, it's a great outlet when I want to tell a story or just dump random thoughts somewhere.

So, what is this thing called "The Underground Battleground?"

Being that Emma and I are both very creative people with lots of ideas, and given the title, it should be easy to figure it out.  We are off on a new adventure!  The Underground Battleground is a ministry devoted to (yep, you guessed it) prayer.  The act of prayer is such a unique, beautiful way to communicate with God.  We can do it in the privacy of our own bedrooms when we're all alone, and we can also gather in groups of two's, three's, even thousands, to pray together.  The topic of prayer is very important to both me and Emma, and we felt like there is no really sufficient place that we know of where people can gather for the specific purpose of prayer.

Also, in the Christian culture, there seems to be a sort of unspoken rule when praying...make sure you say things in a certain procession, and for the love of all things good, do NOT make your prayers run too long!  People may fall asleep, or lose interest.  For goodness' sake, we have other things to be doing--we can't just pray for so long.

Well, Emma and I went for a hike/walk with another friend over the summer and at the end, though our friend had to leave early, we decided to stay for a little while and just pray.  We both had things on our hearts, we have been going through some health complications, and in general just felt the need to be filled up and dive into fellowship with each other.  About 45 minutes later, we finally wrapped up and made our way back to the car.  We simply sat under the shade of a tree, talking to God for as long as we felt like, talking about whatever was on our heart and mind.  Neither of us was in a hurry.  It was great.  After that day, we decided that it would be great to d something similar on a regular basis--a long period of time devoted to prayer.  Nothing to distract us, nothing to rush off and do, just sit down and pray for and with one another.

Perhaps an hour isn't exactly a long time, but it is a lot longer than traditional American prayers go for nowadays, I can guarantee that.  We started meeting every Monday evening, from 7 to 8, simply to pray.  Each week we choose a different location, post about it on facebook (and will perhaps post the location here too, just in case anyone who is interested doesn't check facebook), and then get together to pray.  Simple enough!

This prayer group is open to anyone of any age--doesn't matter if you're in kindergarten or a nursing home, all we want to do is get together as the body of Christ and pray alongside one another!  So entire families are welcome; bring your friends, your husband/wife, your kids, your grandparents, your significant other...any and everyone who is interested is welcome.  If you have any further questions, feel free to check out the facebook page here.  Emma and I would love to answer any questions you might have pertaining to this ministry.

Have a great day in the Lord, and we hope to be able to pray with you one day soon!

Aug 29, 2014

Technology as a Tool for Exploration

This blogpost is a set of musings that I am posting for a scholarship application. I think the concept is very interesting and I hope it gives you something to think about (if you haven't already).

Question: How do you explore the world through technology?

Technology is everywhere. Even in various third world countries, many people understand the concept of technology, and while many argue that technology is used for evil, it can also be used for exploration. One of the biggest ways I use technology to explore the world around me is through the use of my smart phone, the internet, and cameras. In one day I might use my iPhone to look up words I am unfamiliar with, find the answer to questions I do not know, and learn about people or parts of the world I want to know more about. I am almost guaranteed to take at least one picture per day and I also use these various technological tools on a daily basis, to learn more in my schooling, my creative abilities, and knowledge on how to accomplish physical tasks. By using technology to answer various questions, I am able to make more discoveries about myself, and (in turn) the world. For example, using the internet and websites like Pinterest or Google I am able to get knowledge and inspiration for ideas that help me to create new things-- a form of exploration. Being an artist and photographer, I use these tools often to help learn new skills and improve existing skills so I can explore new techniques. 
Modern-day photography is an art that requires the use of many types of technology. You have to understand how to use the camera itself, photo shop on a computer, organizational software, various internet sites, and multiple hardware systems that help you accomplish your goals in photography. Like most forms of art, photography is a way to explain and explore life. It helps you notice things that many people overlook and seek the beauty in everything. As you seek the beauty in life, and try to see things from a different perspective through a camera lens, you will explore new territories every day.
Another important way to explore the world is through knowledge-- whether it is knowledge found in yourself, or someone else. This is where the internet and smart phones can be very helpful. Before I left for a recent trip to Germany, I was able to use the internet to help me search the area I would be going to and learn about the culture so I could understand more about that part of the world. By virtually exploring Germany before I even got there, I was able to understand the history and culture in a way that helped me better connect to the people. Even without the use of internet, my iPhone helps me explore the world by granting me knowledge as it holds various books and even by allowing me to store/express my own thoughts and ideas in the notes section. I can keep up with people in my household and people across the world by using my phone. Then, I get an inside look at what's going on in the world and have the opportunity to ask questions that make great explorations of all kinds.

Using cameras, smart phones, and the internet are really only a few examples of the technology that is all around us. Technology is everywhere-- and we have the ability to use it for great things on a daily basis. We can use technology to discover so many different things about the world around us if we choose to make the exploration.


Aug 21, 2014

The mountain

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the importance our culture places on emotional value.  I was writing in my journal about it and decided to post what I wrote. 
So!  Emotions.  Our culture puts such an emphasis on the way we feel.  TV shows and movies are specifically created in ways that will make us feel a certain way.  We hang out with people because they make us feel good.  We get married and divorced simply because we don't feel a certain way any more.  It's all about the feelings and emotions we're experiencing at this moment...even, I think, in the Christian culture.  It seems as if everyone is wrapped up in wanting to feel like we're in a certain spiritual place with God all the time.  But it's just not so.  Emotions are so wishy-washy.  We will not have only one emotion for our entire lives; they constantly change.
And that's okay.  We were created with emotions, and they live inside of us for a reason.  But the plain and simple fact is that we will not always be on a spiritual high.  We won't always be at the top of the mountain--sometimes we'll be climbing it, sometimes we'll be in a valley down at the bottom, sometimes we'll be trekking back down from the top, and--yes--sometimes we will indeed be at the top.  It's all part of life, and it's all part of our own personal journeys.
Honestly, right now in my life I am not on the mountain top.  Sometimes I am, but at this moment I'm somewhere in the middle.  Does that mean God isn't with me?  No.  Does it mean I don't love him as much as when I am on the mountaintop?  Heck no!  I love Him just as much now as I do when I'm up there, and I am following after Him just as much.  Am I always supposed to be at the top of the mountain?  Nope, and that's totally okay.  It's not a sin.  Love isn't something that is dependent on emotions--quite the opposite.  Love is constant, despite what we may or may not feel at the moment
I am on my journey of life, just as everyone on earth is.  I have repented of my sins, accepted Christ into my life, and have dedicated all I am to Him.  My goal for the entirety of my life is to know Him and be known by Him.  I know with certainty that when I pass away on this earth, I will see my Father in heaven and I will forever be with Him, loving a perfect God and worshiping Him.
My emotions along the way will vary from complete joy to utter depression.  I have already tasted both, and I am learning how to navigate through whatever God allows me to go through.  The mountain is ever-present in my life, and I love it when I am at the top and enjoying all the hard work it has taken me to get there.  When I am not at that mountaintop, however, I need not be disappointed.  Life is full of seasons of every sort.  And in each and every one, He is with me.  Not only that, He goes before me!  That means whatever I've got coming at me, whether it's a rock slide or a wild animal hiding behind the bushes, or anything else, He's already ahead of it and I can get through it too. 
Following Christ isn't strictly emotional.  It is an emotional journey, to be sure, but if my faith rested on nothing but my emotions I would not have real faith.  Real faith is following God through thick and thin, no matter what I feel in the moment.
So, what do you think?  Does our culture put too much emphasis on how we feel?  Do we spend too much time wrapped up in our emotions?  Why or why not?

Jul 12, 2014

Attack of the Chipmunks: A Satirical Comedy

Attack of the Chipmunks: A Satirical Comedy 
by Michaela Johnson and Laurel Burlew

The year was 1924.  It was a warm summer day on the first of July.  Two 19-year-olds went out for a picnic around noon.  They went looking for an adventure at a nearby forest by the regional lake.
“Perfect day for a picnic, wouldn’t you say?”  Remarked Annalise as they picked out a spot by the stream that fed into the lake. 
“Why yes, Anna dear, we couldn’t have done better with timing.”  Replied Sophia Grace with a smile of contentment.  As they spread out the picnic blanket, the friends unpacked a plethora of snacks and two very chilled iced teas.  It was the perfect start to a tremendous afternoon.  The sound of the rushing water coupled with the ominous clouds created a serene feel to the landscape.  It was the perfect day for an adventure; then again, every day is, but this day the ambiance was perfect.  Yes, this day was the perfect day for an adventure.
They young women set out to spelunk and work up an appetite at a nearby cave at the lakeside.  Upon arrival at their site of exploration, they happened upon a quaint sight: there amongst their finger sandwiches sat an innocent-looking chipmunk. This chipmunk was rather a corpulent looking creature with lineament features.
“Oh, isn’t that the most charming creature?” exclaimed Sophia Grace.
“Why yes; what a refined little thing.”
As Anna spoke those words, the chipmunk looked up from its feast of finger sandwiches and locked eyes onto the girls.  Mesmerized, the girls fondly beheld the captivating sight of the small creature with food half stuffed in its mouth, staring at them. 
“We must have been gone for quite some time,” Annalise laughed; “the little buggar has already finished my crumpets.”
“At least he has not touched our iced tea!”
“Very true, dear, at least we can find solace in that.  But, whatever shall we eat now?  I was so looking forward to our delightful picnic.”
“Well, it would appear that this little nuisance is enjoying our picnic well enough.  It should be taught a lesson in touching homo-sapiens’ foodstuff!”
With that being said, the girls drew near to the varmint, aiming to shoo it away from their delicious lunches—or, at least, what was left of them.  So they started forward in pursuit of it.  As they drew near, the chipmunk became more aware of an imminent threat and stood on his haunches, swallowing the food and eyeing the girls with ferocity. 
Sophia Grace hesitated.  “Dear Annalise, I do believe this creature wishes to louse us up!”
“Do not fret, Sophia Grace, he is but a harmless, unintelligent rodent who knows nothing and wishes us no such ill will.”  With that being said, Annalise proceeded. 
But alas, the creature reared up, ready to strike the intruders of his domain.  Unable to listen to the council of her friend, Annalise was struck by the fierce little chipmunk as he launched himself at her face.  Sophia Grace stood in astonishment at such a vulgar sight—could it be that her friend was being assaulted?
As Sophia Grace rushed forward to the aid of her friend, she was detained by an air strike of acorns being shot down upon her from within the trees.  They pelted down, as if to make a statement.  Sophia Grace dared to look up, and beheld the most peculiar sight.  Dozens—nay, hundreds—of chipmunks prevented her from reaching her friend Annalise.  Annalise, meanwhile, was at the mercy of the villainous chipmunk that took to clawing at her face.  She was barely able to keep it from gouging out her crystal blue eyes, and could not hold on much longer.
Just in time, a handsome dark hobo came to her aid and fearlessly ripped the chipmunk her from face and threw it into the lake.  But no sooner had he saved her from tyranny did he himself find that there were two more, leaping from the treetops and latching themselves onto his legs, to avenge their friend.  This had given Annalise just enough time to rush to her friend, grab her hand, and proceed forward to the lake. 
The hobo trailed behind, limping after beating off the chipmunks—they had bruised and bloodied him badly, but he was a survivor.  He pointed out to the ladies a canoe that rested on the waterside, along the other side of the lake.  The trio dashed off to the canoe as quickly as their tired, bruised legs could carry them.  A rain of acorns followed them, relentlessly hitting them on their heads and shoulders.  War cries of chipmunks young and old rang out through the forest, and the girls knew that this may be their last moment.  But as this thought passed, they reached the canoe and were able to row to the safety of the open waters.
As they took a breath of relief and examined their injuries, they heard the eerie sound of roaring water.  But they were not alarmed at this, for they were more concerned with the physical state they were in.  Poor Annalise was bleeding profusely from cuts she received by the instigator.  Sophia Grace was already showing signs of bruises all over her perfect ivory complexion.  And the brave hobo, who shall not be named for the sake of his safety, could very well have lost a leg from the vicious attacks against him. 
“Listen,” The hobo warned, “I have run into these monstrous creatures before.  What may, on the exterior, appear to be a cute and cuddly chipmunk, is in reality a dangerous and bloodthirsty enemy of us homo-sapiens.  They cannot swim, and so we are safe.  As long as follow this lake to the river head, we shall be spared.”
What the trio did not foresee was that, between the lake and the river lay a waterfall.  This masterpiece of flowing glossy water, though beautiful, was in itself filled with danger.  While the group escaped the attacks from the unknowable chipmunks, they were headed straight in the direction of this powerful flow of water.
The last we saw of these, the hobo was shouting at the top of his lungs, urging the girls to attempt to row away from the waterfall.  But to no avail—they plummeted off the water’s edge into the unknown below.
To be continued…