Oct 31, 2014

It was one of those days

We all have those days...The ones where, despite the normalcy of life, you can just tell there's something different.  Thursday, of all days, things are different.  And it was a beautiful day.  Here are some ways in which that day, whether in the tiniest things or huge things, I saw God in a big way.

1)  The sunrise.  The sunrise was like every other, I'm sure, because the sun rose from the east right when it should have.  Unlike most school days, I ended up waking up long before I intended to and was out the door 15 minutes early.  Because of this, I got to actually see the sunrise while driving.  It was beautiful.  Though I could've been complaining about how tired I was, I chose to look at how gorgeous that orange sun looked as it began to rise above the horizon.

2) My math grade.  I do not like math, and math does not like me.  I do alright, but I never do spectacularly well.  When my test score was handed back to me, I nearly cried.  (Don't judge)  I got a 98.  For me, that's unheard of.  Especially considering the fact that it's an 8am math class!  I knew immediately, looking at the score, that one big reason I did well was that in addition to studying (as I always do), this time around I was constantly praying and lifting up my concerns to God.  He heard me.  It may sound like a trivial thing, but He definitely heard me!

3) Daily Bible Verse.  I have an app on my iPod that sends out a daily Bible verse.  Thursday's was so awesome...and this one takes a bit more explaining.

For the last month or two, I've been praying something that sounds a bit odd, and perhaps it is.  But I've had a burden for it and I know it's what I need to talk to God about.  I've been praying for ISIS--specifically, that one man in that group to come to know Christ and give his life to God.  One man who can experience how powerful Jesus' love for him is, and who wants to radically change.  Others in the weekly prayer group I'm part of have joined in on this, and every week we lift up this man to the Lord.

Sometimes it almost feels like there's no way God's hearing this weird prayer...well, the other day, my friend texted me and asked that we spend the day constantly in prayer about this.  She said she felt that something--she didn't know what--was going on or going to happen.  I passed this on to several others and they also joined us in prayer for this one man, whoever he is.  We may never know the outcome of our prayers for him, but we have been diligent in praying for him.

Thursday's Bible verse came right after I finished praying silently for the man in ISIS again.  Literally, like right after.  It was Psalm 28:6-8.  The perfect verse I needed to see: God hears our petitions!  We can rejoice.  We can thank Him for all He's done.  He is a stronghold of salvation!

4) The value of life.  There's been a lot of talk lately about a woman with Stage 4 cancer who moved from California to Oregon so that she would be allowed to end her own life.  I read in the news today that she has decided to rethink the idea of ending her own life--now, I certainly can't identify with her struggles, but it brings me so much joy to hear that she's choosing LIFE instead of death!  Even if it's just for today, that's a small change of the heart.  I rejoiced so much when I read that headline.  I continue to pray for her and her family; not just for healing, but for a beautiful relationship with Christ to come from her suffering and for her testimony to be a powerful one that can reach a lost culture.

Even though on Thursday I saw in unique ways how powerful and how closely involved in my life He is, it was also a great reminder that every day is like Thursday.  I just don't see it all the time!  God is moving--not just in my life, but also in yours.

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