Oct 6, 2014

Bursting with creativity

When we started this blog, one of the purposes was the expression of creativity.  Going back to our "dreamers and doers" post, we basically said that we want to be both.  Dream big, fantastical dreams and turn them into reality.  Since the beginning of this blogging journey, creativity has become something much more to me than it was before.

Photo by Laurel Burlew
The imaginative world is all around us--yet sometimes, we don't see it.  Our creative senses are dulled by the pull of the practical world.  Hurry from point A to point B; get x, y, and z done now; apply for this job; work hard; stay up late studying.  None of these things are wrong or bad.  As a college student, I am in those places right now.  But it's important to take some time out of our daily stress-filled lives and focus on the creative side of life.

The great thing about creativity is that you can never run out.  The more you use, the more it comes to life inside of you.  One idea leads to five new ideas, which all lead to abundantly more ideas.  And when these ideas come to life, beautiful things happen.  We are all creative people!  Yes, even the left-brained people.  Y'all are creative too!  Don't let anything hold you back from making your dreams become realities. 

Photo by Laurel Burlew
Since we started the blog, I have made it my goal to do at least one creative thing every day.  Some days I feel more accomplished than others, but looking back I have found that my goal has been reached.  On the days when I have a plethora of time, I write.  When I do not have adequate time for that task, I read.  (Yes, this is creative!)  During prime photo-taking seasons, I photograph.  Though I am not talented at it, I doodle and draw while in school.  And maybe once a week, I Instagram--yes, this is creative!  Then there's playing piano, listening to music, and creating music.  (Basically anything music-related)  The list goes on and on, as I'm sure you know. 

As I compiled a list of the creative things I have been doing on a day-to-day basis, I became even more excited about living a creative life.  The world is full of life and adventure--why not find new ways to be part of it?

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