Apr 13, 2014

Some of the Latest Adventures!

**Warning, totally random photos are scattered throughout this blog post

WOW. That’s all I can really say right now is—WOW.  As I think about all of the crazy adventures I have had over the past few years, months, and even weeks, of my life, all I can say is, “wow.” Even now, as I stare out my window and see the sun hitting the gorgeous mountains, all I can say is, “wow.” When I think about who God is and the fact that He cares about me—A HEART-BREAKING SINNER—enough to show up in my life on a daily basis, caring for me, talking with me, guiding me, living life with and GIVING LIFE TO me all I can say is… “W O W.”

Plane selfie with the ever-lovely Jessie Gingrich that was
taken when we got stuck at the airport because of a delay
in customs (another good story for another time)
As some of you may know, I had the opportunity to go to Brazil this past March to share the mighty Love of the Lord with His people there. While I was in Brazil, I learned a lot about the importance of the body and how each and every one of us have an extremely important role to play as a part in God’s kingdom. I learned a lot about stepping outside of my comfort zone and what it really looks like to trust God to lead me—to step out in faith. I could spend years simply talking about the ways that God proved Himself beyond faithful before, during, and after this trip… but instead, I want to focus on one specific thing He has done and is doing that has completely blown my mind.

I did not know that while I was in Brazil, God would be preparing me to continue to take His good news to other parts of the globe, but He was. I didn’t know God was preparing to send me out to Germany—but He was.

A lady wearing an amazing cat sweater
 I saw at the Miami airport
The story begins when I got home from Brazil. The first night I came back I had been thinking about a team that I’d heard of that was going to Germany and I thought, “That would be really cool if I could be a part of that, but honestly, that’s a preposterous, idea. I just got back from Brazil. Surely there’s no place for me on that team and I really need to focus on readjusting to life in America and reflecting on Brazil…”

My pitty-ful snapchats while we were seperated from the
rest of the group on the way home from Brazil.
The next day, my art teacher (who is in charge of this trip) mentioned something about the trip to Germany on Facebook. This had been one of many things surrounding Germany that had come up in the past few months so I thought, “Well. The team has already been meeting for months. I’m almost certain there is no place for me here, but I might as well ask about it. I think God might be nudging this on me and who am I to stand in His way? Even though the answer will likely be ‘no,’ I can at least tell Him I tried, right?” So I asked about the trip, and much to my surprise, it was like they had a spot that they were keeping open, waiting just for me to join the team.
I had a date set to meet with my teacher to discuss details of the trip, but before going I told God, “Alright Lord… I don’t know if this is really where you want me to be or not, but after this meeting today, I’ll be able to tell, so show me ever-so-explicitly what your will is for me.”
And of course… He did.
Someone shipped their goat to the airport--
needless to say, it made my day :)

As I learned more about the trip it was like each and every detail was piercing my heart, hitting on thoughts and ideas that had been stirring within me just over the past few weeks on my trip to Brazil. It was especially clear to me when I was asked, “So do you do photography? Because we don’t have anyone on our American team to lead the photography workshop…” And of course (I know God was smiling at me now) I can teach a photography workshop, but NOT ONLY that…

It just so happened that while I was in Brazil, I had a conversation with one of the members on that team about the importance of art and expression in the church. One of my largest passions is for people to worship God through whatever their passions are! Sports, music, film, drawing, painting, banking, cleaning, nursing, racing, beautifying—whatever! I just think it’s so neat that we all have certain things that we are passionate about and we can use those God-given passions to praise God. 

So while I was in Brazil, I was talking to another woman on our team about this topic and specifically photography. She was just starting to get back into taking photos after a bit of a break, as was I, and so as we shared our love of photography, I was reminded of a man that I follow on Instagram named Pete Halvorsen. Pete went to Africa and helped kids there by teaching them about taking photos and helping them get a hold of their own cameras to share the Lord’s love in this way. However, as I shared that with Cynthia, I had no idea that God would be listening and (better yet) using that conversation to show me where I needed to be now, but here we are— God and I, on a daily adventure.

So there it is! I will be going to Germany in August, roughly August 9th- August 25th. We will be doing an English Explosion Camp where we teach ages 13-18 English classes while also putting on multiple other workshops and shining the light of Christ along the way.

I'm hoping to get better at this whole blogging shindig and do a better job at taking ya'll on this journey with me by keeping you updated on what's going on. I was considering doing a missions series of blog posts, but honestly I don't see myself being able to follow through with that one... maybe I should make it my challenge, eh? Tell me what you think! 

In the meantime in between time, 

Live, learn, love, leave a legacy,
                                & StAy CrEatIve,

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