Apr 14, 2014

Changing things up a bit

Emma and I had a good discussion last night about the daily challenges we've been doing.  We agreed that the challenges we do every day stretch us, and that's good, but we want more.  I don't think either of us are content to keep doing things the way we've been doing them, because there's always something better we can make our goal! So we're (once again) changing things up a bit.  Instead of daily challenges, we are going to do weekly challenges.  Ones that might stretch us just a little bit further, and might force us to do things differently for more than just a day.  There will be three types of challenges, and I think each one will serve a good purpose.

Life challenges: These are created for the purpose of bettering our qualities of life.  Finding new ways to love others (and express that love) will be the main goal of these challenges. Life challenges incorporate the spiritual side of our lives, and effect our relationship with God and with others.  (Examples: read your Bible every day for a week, take a friend out to lunch and pay for it to bless them, offer to pray for someone every day-- and then actually pray for them!)

Creativity challenges: Stretch your creative limits...these will be anything that gets the creative juices in us flowing.  Wherever the wind blows, find something creative.  (Examples: draw a picture to express an emotion you're feeling, write a short story with a surprising ending, take photos of cool or unusual things around your house.  Anything fun you can come up with.)

Project challenges: Things that get you up and active!  Project challenges are physical; whether feeding your body in a better way, exercising more, doing things for others, or making art projects that involve you doing something...give these a try.  (Examples: go for a bike ride or walk every day, experiment with making different foods, go somewhere new in your town/city to explore.)

Each week, we will be striving towards completing these challenges-- this will sometimes be easier than before, but other times it will be more difficult.  To get things started, here's what I'm going to personally be challenged to do this week:
Life: I just deleted my Facebook and Pinterest apps from my phone...so this week I am going to try and rely less on technology, so that I have free time to focus on other things that are more important.
Creativity: I am finishing up a photo project that's been in the works for over a year. 
Project:  I am going to try to work out every day for physical therapy (knee surgery 12 weeks ago- yay!) to continue to strengthen my knee and get better.

"La vie est faite de petite choses..." Life is made of the little things.

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