Jan 15, 2015

The never-ending list

Found on victorienvannes.tumblr.com.
It seems like just when I think I've made some headway, I realize there are another 100 titles to add to my list.  No matter how hard I try, I can never keep up--let alone make progress!  There is a never-ending list of books to read, and I'm sure other bibliophiles can relate.  This year, I intend to make a dent in the list, to the best of my ability.

But really, what is 50 books when there are millions out there for us to read?  Granted, many books are not the sort I would enjoy reading.  You will never find a Stephen King suspense/mystery thriller on my nightstand, nor will you find 50 Shades of Grey or anything by Stephanie Meyer in my possession.  Even with filters like these, there are so many books out there I want to read.  Sometimes I wonder if there will be libraries in heaven.  That would be such a magnificent sight!  And I wonder, if there were libraries in heaven, what sort of books would fill the shelves.  I suppose I will just have to wait and see. =)

So!  Here are the books I read this week.  I am somewhat disappointed with myself that I have only accomplished to read two, but at least it's something--and it's definitely more than nothing.

1. Lord Tophet by Gregory Frost
Mostly good book but one part in the middle completely ruined it for me with incredibly vulgar humor that was taken way too far...wouldn't recommend.
2. The Veritas Conflict by Shaunti Feldhahn
Switches between the perspectives of the main human characters and the main characters in the spiritual realm.  Good read.

I am also going through The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, but I started reading it in 2014 so it doesn't count as part of the "50 in 52" list.  Oh well! 

7 down, and only 43 to go!

Have you read any good books this week?  I am always looking for recommendations!


  1. "Four Letter Words" by Bill Giovannetti.
    It's really good so far. I would high recommend it.
