Jan 8, 2015

50 books in 52 weeks

Why is it that people in our culture don't read as often as we used to?  Oh wait, I know the answer to that.  Television, movies, endless soul-sucking posts on social media.  I hate to admit it, but I fit that bill--I spend a lot more time watching screens than I do with my nose in a book, which is an incredibly sad thing to realize.  Well, this year, my goal is to change that.  I have decided to read 50 books in 2015.  Though I'm not entirely sure I can do it, I want to try.  Last year I completed NaNoWriMo, ran a 5k, and did a number of other things I thought I couldn't do until I tried them.  Why not give this a try?

First, let me clarify what I mean by "book."  Reading a children's picture book does not count, and reading short stories doesn't count either.  However, I am open to reading novellas, children's chapter books, plays, and other books that aren't necessarily super thick.  Perhaps next year I will step it up to reading 50 difficult books in a year, but this year I don't think I can accomplish that feat.  

I know for a fact that I will not read one book every week.  It just doesn't happen...especially when you're a full-time college student, part-time babysitter, and part-time photographer.  And church volunteer.  And enjoy watching movies.  Aaaaand try to have a social life...but, I digress.  This week, I have read 5 books (or plays).  5 down, 45 to go!  Depending on the week--and depending on the book--I may actually write reviews for some of them.  For right now, though, I'm just going to give y'all the names of the books (and plays) I read this week. 

1. Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
2. The Sea-Gull by Anton Chekhov
3. Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov
4. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
5. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

As always, I am up for any book suggestions people out there may have for me.  Especially with a goal of 50 books in a year on my plate, I am definitely open for recommendations! 


  1. Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ –by: John Piper
    All the Tea in China -by: Jane Orcutt
    Crazy Love ~Francis Chan
    When God writes your love Story ~Eric and Leslie Ludy

    1. Crazy Love is a good book! I haven't read the others, so I will definitely put them on the list. Thanks!
