May 23, 2014

In three seconds

One.  I'm watching my sister, who is Princess Beauty for the afternoon, read stories to a three- and five-year-old.  They're enthralled with her; we've been at the house for nearly 45 minutes, and story time is going to end soon.  She'd reading her last of 4 stories.  Family members are crowded around, taking pictures and smiling.
Two.  What's that feeling?  I can't quite tell.  Just focus on the story; she's almost done.  It's past lunch time, so I should eat soon.  She'll finish the last story soon, and we will be on our way.  I'll just get some food on the way home.
Three.  Everything fades out.  I'm transported from real life to another place; a dark space between consciousness and unconsciousness.  Who am I?  I've quite forgotten.  What day is it?  I don't remember.  Wasn't I just at a book reading?  Nah, that must have been a dream or something.  I'm not there, I'm somewhere else.
Those three seconds-- less than that, perhaps only three breaths-- were all it took.  I went from being completely fine to passing out cold.  According to my sister, who saw the whole thing, I fell face-first onto the floor "like a tree falling in the forest" and was out for a few seconds before regaining my consciousness.
When I did start to come back, it was all still dark.  I could hear distant voices; the were saying my name, but I didn't understand why.  I opened my eyes.  All I could see was dark shades of grey and black shapes.  Then, slowly, I made out two faces.  The next thing I knew, I was sitting up instead of laying down.  Things were still blurry and blotchy, and I had no idea what's going on, but I could remember who I am and what day it is.  I'm told that I fainted-- did I just mess up story time?  I feel horrible about that.  I still can't see right, and my mind is a mess.  All I want to do is go to sleep.
Eventually, they tell me what happened.  Out of nowhere, I suddenly fainted.  When I started coming to, my face was white and my lips were the same shade as the rest of my face.  Then my lips started to turn blue; my hands got really clammy and were freezing.  They put a blanket around me because apparently I was in shock.  I was responding to questions when they asked me directly, but it was delayed.  My ears were ringing and my hands were tingling.

I don't know who had a worse time of it-- me, having to deal with all of that; or my sister, who had to watch all of that.  I tried downplaying it for a while, but when a bad headache developed later that night my parents got worried.  The next morning they called the doctor's office and asked to schedule an appointment, but were instead told they must take me to the emergency room immediately.
Three hours and an EKG, CT scan, multiple blood tests, and chest x-ray later, I'm sent home from the E.R. with further instructions to see a cardiologist and my primary care doctor.  So, today we went to the doctor.  From the looks of everything, I am completely normal.  This coming from the girl who has anemia and a heart murmur, and most likely has hypoglycemia-- all of it checked out.  The anemia and heart murmur are gone.  No blood sugar issues.  Wait, what?
This was kind of scary for me, passing out and getting a concussion (oh yeah, that too).  But in the midst of it all, I find out some of my medical issues are just gone?  I've had them for so long, and it's always been the answer when something goes wrong.  I'm dizzy, feel light-headed, and/or can't see straight-- it's because I'm anemic.  But now, I'm told that it's gone.
I still have to see the cardiologist to be on the safe side, but it seems that my passing out was a result of nothing more than a momentary fluke in my body's system, and my doctor assured me that he's seen it often.  And while I received a pretty good concussion, I should be back to normal soon.  No internal bleeding, no worsening symptoms-- we're in the clear as far as that goes.  But, I don't know what to feel.  On the one hand, I'm so thankful that I'm healthy!  And it's such a blessing to hear that my anemia is gone now (also very unexpected).  But the fact that we don't really know why I passed out, or how to prevent it from happening again, is a little unsettling.

Still, I think it's awesome that this happened.  And I say that for several reasons...
One.  It allowed me to find out that I no longer have anemia-- something that I am definitely praising God for!  It also allows us to find out if anything else is wrong with me, and had this not happened, I wouldn't have had these tests done.
Two.  I learned that I have to take things as they come, and come to terms with the reality of situations sometimes.  I kept trying to downplay it, opting to not go to the hospital with the paramedics when they asked, and tried deny having a concussion.  I hate doctors and hospitals, and never want to have to be there.  But once I accepted how things were going and what I had to do, they became fixable and now I am on the mend.
Three.  Everything that happens to me passes through God's hands.  He wasn't sitting up in heaven when this happened, saying, "Oh my gosh, she passed out!  I didn't see that one coming.  Well, I guess I have to deal with that now."  Not at all!  If my life and all its events were written in a book, he'd turn to the page that is today and say, "Yep, that'll happen, and I've got a reason for it."  He knew exactly when, how, and where this would happen.  So what's the use of panicking?  Everything that happens to me in life goes through Him first.  Whether it's good or bad; whether hard or easy; whether enlightening or difficult to understand; He knew about it before anyone else, and He allowed it to happen for a good reason.

After fainting, on the way home-- see my scraped up chin?
This "fun" adventure over the last 48 hours has once again given me the opportunity to see God in a new way, and to learn something about Him and about myself.  Heck, I even learned something about medical stuff!  Did you know that 94 is a good number to have for blood sugar?  I don't know what it means, but I do know that.
And at the end of the day, I'm still breathing.  We'll see what tomorrow holds, but God kept me here for a purpose and that's something to marvel at.  In fact, everything about God is something to marvel at. That is incredibly amazing.

Before I wrap this up...
If you or anyone you know has young children who would like to have a princess visit them at a birthday party or other special event, go to the website: or check out the facebook page:
The ladies in waiting don't usually pass out, and the princesses are definitely worth it.  :)

Kay, now I'm done for the day.
Peace out!

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