May 6, 2014



Lord... I know what you want from me, but I don't want to do it... How can I find motivation? I can't do it... How can I?

^This has been my problem lately. There are a few things that I know God has been wanting me to do lately but I can't do them for the life of me! I guess that's just it, I can't do it... but He can. Even then though, how do you let Him work through you? I guess, you just have to keep surrendering to Him on a daily basis...

2 things God has been wanting from me:

1. To work hard in order to raise money to go to Germany
2. To be healthy

Let's address issue #1; you see, I know for a fact, with everything inside of me that God has been asking me to do some hard work in order to raise money for the trip that I'm planning on taking to Germany. I have been called to teach English in Germany this summer and I can't wait to do just that, but I'm not a huge fan of this whole "work hard" thing (that's the ultimate picture of selfish human nature for ya). Now, I don't usually admit this fact consciously, but it's true nonetheless! I would absolutely love it if money would just fall from the sky to fund me for this trip, but I know that's not it. The funniest thing, is that a lot of the things that would be considered 'hard work' for this trip, aren't even actually that hard! I just hate asking people for money so even selling artwork or asking people for opportunities for me to raise money is really outside of my comfort zone and 'hard' for me right now.

Now issue #2; health! I know that The Lord wants me to be exercising daily and making more healthy decisions when it comes to my eating habits, and not just for a little while, but in my daily life-- forever.

Every day, I study the Bible with my family and we memorize some Bible verses together-- the series of verses we've been memorizing lately deal with parenting. One of the biggest things I've learned from these verses is that, even now, I am preparing myself for parenthood. All the decisions I make at this stage in my life will not only affect me, but my children, and their children after me. I know it starts with the little things and I believe that these two things He is asking of me are two "little" things that are going to affect me and other people in BIG ways...

And yet, I am continuously failing! I feel like no matter how many motivating videos I watch, no matter how many words of wisdom are spoken to me, or how many people I have to hold me accountable, I just can't keep up with the various goals I've made in these two areas of my life. I've been reading the word and praying about this, and yet I still have no idea how to overcome these areas of sin and struggle in my life. (Not yet, anyway).

So that's all for now... not a resolution of any type but perhaps it's helpful to publicly admit a few of the random problems I've been having?

My challenges for this week:

Life: Compliment one person on their character each day via electronic message, letter, or in person

Creativity: Finish a tiger picture I've been drawing and/or another big art project I've been working on for too long! (Can't talk about it online yet, but I'll post pictures once I finish it)

Project: Walk or run for just 10 minutes everyday! That should get me out...

Live, Learn, Love, Leave a Legacy,

             & Stay Creative,


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