Mar 7, 2015

From Baths to Burgers: One Dog's Epic Tale

It's time for a fun, random post about nothing particularly important, but will hopefully make you smile!  

Today was a very full day for the Burlew family.  Specifically, for Jack.  Dad and I decided to have some father-daughter time, and part of this included taking Jack to get washed.  Which, as anyone who knows Jack knows, he absolutely hates.  He did not, however, know what was coming as we loaded him into my car and sped off.  All he knew was that the sun was shining, the windows were down, and life was blissful. 

We listened to the radio, appeased him with pets and reassured him of what a good boy he is.  Ah, yes, to Jack this was a perfect outing.  In true Burlew fashion, we even took quite a few pictures.  For those blissful 5 minutes of driving to the dog wash station, Jack was the center of attention--and he loved every second of it. 

Then, in the midst of his happy-go-lucky day, a bomb dropped.  It's name?  Doggie Shampoo.

<--- Happy dog          Sad dog --->
That's when Jack's whole life changed.  At least, his life changed for a total of 13 minutes.  That's how long it took to rinse, shampoo, rinse again, de-odorize, rinse yet again, condition, and rinse one
last time.  The whole while, his legs were shaking.  He never stopped whining.  To jack, somehow it didn't seem as fun as it was to Dad and me.  He didn't share our enthusiasm as we showered him in nice-smelling things, and just did not appreciate the fact that we made sure he was thoroughly rinsed. 

To Jack, he nearly escaped death!  At least, that's what he seemed to think at the time.  Now, to be fair, Dad and I forgot to bring snacks with us to reward him after the bath.  The poor thing, he had no treats to make him feel better!

But on the other hand, we did take him to McDonald's for a burger afterwards.  (Don't worry, we took off all the onions and didn't give him the bread.  He just ate the meat and cheese...yum)  So after being tortured by nice warm water and being embarrassed by a nice cleaning, Jack was rightfully rewarded with something that makes everything better. 

As he downed that meat and cheese, being sure to slobber all over, Jack forgot all his troubles of the day.  He forgot about the shampoo and the many rinses, and he even forgot about the de-odorizer.  He no longer remembered how he had suffered before; all he knew was that he was in bliss.

And on the way home, he once again stuck his head out of the window, sniffing all the new smells and seeing all the new sights.  With his belly full and his coat all shiny (and dry), Jack was able to continue his frolicking and playing without the slightest remembrance of the troubles that had once plagued him...25 minutes ago.

So, there you have it!  The tragic tale of Jack's bath, with a happy (and not at all surprising) ending. 

Happy Saturday!

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