Oct 26, 2014

November, here I come!

We college students are halfway through the semester (give or take a week) at this point.  I have officially hit that oh-so-familiar wall and I really do not have motivation to get schoolwork done right now.  I realized, however, that my schoolwork is reflecting my creativity as a whole.  It seems that lately, I have not had time to write much.  Piano is something I have been doing less often (though I still work at it every day, in some sort).  The creative juices, so to speak, aren't really flowing all that much at the moment.

So I have decided to do some crazy things that just might work!  Granted, they may go horribly wrong and I may regret getting myself into them.  I often take on too much and realize it later on.  However, I want to give 'em a try, so I'm going to!

This year, I am signing up for NaNoWriMo.  50,000 words in 30 days?  Psh, that'll be easy...right?  But wait, there's more.

I'm also signed up for GrammoWriMo.  This is Grammarly's attempt to break a world record, and I'll be helping out with writing a group novel...I have no problems doing this one because each person is only supposed to write around 800 words.  Easy stuff. 

And then there's a monthly worship "jam session," as we like to call it, that I'll be starting/heading up for a while.  My team wants a chance to play around, learn new things, and get to know each other more.  And there are a lot of people who aren't on the team who would like to be able to worship together; we want to come together as a group and have a fun time working on stuff.  It'll take a few extra hours of homework time, but will it be worth it?  I certainly think so.

Because I have decided to attempt a half marathon in the spring, I will also be starting to go jogging quite often.  This may not sound "creative" per say, but I have found that when I go for a jog, I tend to spend the rest of the day happier, more energetic, and I have more creative ideas floating around in my mind.

Oh, and also, Emma and I are officially launching our photography business.  We already have some clients all lined up and ready to go.

November will be a month of creativity for me!  I'm quite nervous, but very excited.  Anyone else getting ready to try new things next month?  "November resolutions," anyone?

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