Apr 8, 2015

Update: Week 14

For those of you who keep up with this blog, I apologize for the lack of posting.  Things have been busy around here for Emma and for myself!  While I have been a little too busy to be posting often, I have still kept to my 2015 goal of reading 52 books in 52 weeks.  With the semester getting ready to wrap up and work picking up, it's been difficult to read as much as I would like to.  Couple that with the fact that I have been choosing 1,000-page books more often than not, and it makes reading a large number of books a little bit difficult.

However, I have still been reading!  I have no idea where I was at last time I posted about the books...but I have read some fun stuff in the last few weeks.  I read through The Song of Roland, which is an epic poem that has been translated from the original French.  Though it dragged out in some places, I was pleasantly surprised at how much humor was in it.  Very entertaining!

I also just (and when I say just, I mean I literally just put it down) finished a book called The Shadow Rising, which is the 4th in a 13-book series.  That's right, 13 books!  So much happiness.  The series is incredibly intense, and I would recommend it to anyone in high school or older.  They are thick reads, so don't expect to finish it in a day unless you spend all 24 hours reading.  And just in case you were wondering, I know it can be done because that's how I read through the third book.

Next up on my list?  Well, I'm on to book 5 in the Wheel of Time series.  In addition to that, I would like to read Beowulf--it's been sitting on my nightstand for weeks, and I keep forgetting to actually read it.  So hopefully this week will be the week I finally get around to it!

Week 14 is coming to an end, and I have successfully read through 18 books (or long plays).  While it's not where I originally wanted to be, I am very pleased with how this challenge is going so far.  I can't believe it's already been 14 weeks since the beginning of 2015.  It's also hard to believe it's only been 14 weeks!  Time is such a strange thing, friends.

What have you read lately?  Anything fun and exciting?  I need more book suggestions!

Happy reading!

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