Aug 29, 2014

Technology as a Tool for Exploration

This blogpost is a set of musings that I am posting for a scholarship application. I think the concept is very interesting and I hope it gives you something to think about (if you haven't already).

Question: How do you explore the world through technology?

Technology is everywhere. Even in various third world countries, many people understand the concept of technology, and while many argue that technology is used for evil, it can also be used for exploration. One of the biggest ways I use technology to explore the world around me is through the use of my smart phone, the internet, and cameras. In one day I might use my iPhone to look up words I am unfamiliar with, find the answer to questions I do not know, and learn about people or parts of the world I want to know more about. I am almost guaranteed to take at least one picture per day and I also use these various technological tools on a daily basis, to learn more in my schooling, my creative abilities, and knowledge on how to accomplish physical tasks. By using technology to answer various questions, I am able to make more discoveries about myself, and (in turn) the world. For example, using the internet and websites like Pinterest or Google I am able to get knowledge and inspiration for ideas that help me to create new things-- a form of exploration. Being an artist and photographer, I use these tools often to help learn new skills and improve existing skills so I can explore new techniques. 
Modern-day photography is an art that requires the use of many types of technology. You have to understand how to use the camera itself, photo shop on a computer, organizational software, various internet sites, and multiple hardware systems that help you accomplish your goals in photography. Like most forms of art, photography is a way to explain and explore life. It helps you notice things that many people overlook and seek the beauty in everything. As you seek the beauty in life, and try to see things from a different perspective through a camera lens, you will explore new territories every day.
Another important way to explore the world is through knowledge-- whether it is knowledge found in yourself, or someone else. This is where the internet and smart phones can be very helpful. Before I left for a recent trip to Germany, I was able to use the internet to help me search the area I would be going to and learn about the culture so I could understand more about that part of the world. By virtually exploring Germany before I even got there, I was able to understand the history and culture in a way that helped me better connect to the people. Even without the use of internet, my iPhone helps me explore the world by granting me knowledge as it holds various books and even by allowing me to store/express my own thoughts and ideas in the notes section. I can keep up with people in my household and people across the world by using my phone. Then, I get an inside look at what's going on in the world and have the opportunity to ask questions that make great explorations of all kinds.

Using cameras, smart phones, and the internet are really only a few examples of the technology that is all around us. Technology is everywhere-- and we have the ability to use it for great things on a daily basis. We can use technology to discover so many different things about the world around us if we choose to make the exploration.


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